Advent Pack 2020

Because Advent and Christmas are going to be different this year, we have decided to give you a tool kit to help you work your way through advent.
We hope that it will help you to feel connected to the season, as well as
connected to each other when we’re worshiping at home and if some are
allowed back into the church later in December. The overall theme is:
Angels. We would like you to think about who has been an angel in your
life in small and big ways. Did someone whose name you do not know
appear at just the right moment to offer assistance? Did someone show
you kindness at a critical moment? The Advent Tool Kit will help you to
think about these Angels in the context of our Advent journey towards the
incarnation of God in Jesus of Nazareth. There are crafts for people who
like crafts and fire for those who like some excitement in their lives…well,
candles, anyway.

Members of our church will have received the pack by post. It is also available for download here:

Packs can also be posted to UK addresses. Please get in touch with our church office if you would like one.

May you feel held and connected throughout your Advent journey.

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